Leg warmers – they’re not just for dancers. True, I do wear them when I dance, because I’ve recently discovered the way to bypass my achey post-baby knees is to keep them super toasty.
But I also wear leg warmers when I’m not dancing because, dudes, winter be cold. And even though winter isn’t here yet, I’ve already been sporting my leg warmer collection not just to keep my legs warm as the fall chill settles in, but also – they’re kinda cute, no?
Although I do own a few pairs of store-bought legwarmers, I also have several pairs of DIY leg warmers I made out of old socks. There are two different ways to do this. The first is the super easy no-sew way. The second you can either sew by hand or with a sewing machine if you own or have access to one.
Check out my how-to video, where I demonstrate both ways to make DIY leg warmers out of old socks, or scroll down below for step by step instructions!