How to Decorate an Eco-Friendly Kid’s Bedroom

A kid's bedroom with a white wooden bench, a white shelf and a handmade superhero cape hanging on a hook.

Rooms for kids are the perfect place to go all out with eco-friendly decor. Why? Because so many parents already want their child’s room to be non-toxic and tend to gravitate toward natural materials anyway. (With the exception of all that unnecessary plastic. There are other options – I promise!) Kids’ rooms are also the perfect place to throw in some secondhand furniture and decor – because it means saving money! And, more importantly, it means there’s no need to buy brand new – and no need for all the packaging that comes with new items. Plus, by involving your kids in the decorating process, you can explain to them why you’re choosing green items and start them on the road to living an eco-conscious life. Because teaching the next generation to consider how they impact the environment in everything they do is the key to a sustainable future!

Neutral Soft Green and Beige Baby Bedroom

A bedroom with a green dresser, a leaf basket and a superhero cape hanging on a hook with the words "neutral baby bedroom." Click to visit post.

Even though I finished this room going on three years ago, I’ve never posted photos of it in its entirety. But this particular space in my house has certainly been on my mind again as of late since bambino numero dos is only days away. I spent a lot of time in this room with my first baby – I slept the first six months of her life on a cot next to the crib. I’ve always said that’s exactly why I designed it with myself in mind. Because I’m selfish like that. Which is totally fine with me.

As you can see, I definitely didn’t go the pink versus blue route, which is pretty common nowadays I’d say. I think most people tend to lean towards a more neutral baby bedroom, aka “nursery.” (I have such a hard time using that word – I don’t know why, but for some reason it rubs me the wrong way… like “panties” and “mancave”… le barf.)

How to Make DIY Wooden Rocking Chair Cushions

White rocking chair with patterned cushions in a neutral bedroom.

Sometimes fabric starts it all. When I was working on my daughter’s room – before I knew she was a girl – I was looking for neutral colours and prints that didn’t outright announce: “Hi! I have a penis/vagina!” I’ve talked about my dislike of pink in a previous post. I’m an earth-tones gal through and through. So, when I saw this graphic floral with its greys and greens and browns I just knew I had to have it. (I had to have it so bad, in fact, that I forgot to check the price tag… oops.)

You may recognize the fabric as the background for the baby superheroes artwork from my last post – so, I’d say I got my money’s worth. Even though this fabric features flowers, I don’t find it overly feminine. It actually reminds me of Where the Wild Things Are. Something about the long, snaking, brown and beige vine. It looks like the tail of a beast who just disappeared around the corner…

Super Adorable Baby Superhero Art for a Gender-Neutral Nursery

Want gender neutral, but still unique and quirky nursery decor for your upcoming bundle's bedroom? Check out this hand drawn baby superhero art. Kapow!

When decorating our nursery, I knew that I didn’t want to a) go the whole pink or blue route, and b) spend a ton of money on all the bells and whistles the world tells you that you need when having a baby. I wanted things to be neutral and simple, but still unique and fun.

So I requested some hand drawn baby superhero art from my husband/best friend/partner in all things both criminal and not. And – as always – he delivered something quirky… and friggin’ adorable.

Can you guess who these superbabies are?