There’s nothing like planting a sapling. They’re so tiny, it’s almost unimaginable one day they’ll be towering trees. But with the right care from the start, they will!

Closeup of a tree sapling planted in soil with more trees in the background.

Trees can provide us with shade and in some cases fruit to eat. They have the ability of improving our mental health provide oxygen for us to breath. Which, you know, is kind of important.

Devin and I try to plant a few trees every year on our landIt’s one way of saying thank you to a place that gives us so much joy. And plays a small part in the battle against deforestation and other unsustainable practices. So, if you’ve never planted a tree – you really should! While larger trees can be tricky to work with, often requiring special equipment to get them into the ground, saplings are super easy to plant.

No, I’m not an arborist, but I have planted a few trees in my life. So here are my five easy-to-follow steps. Hope you find them helpful!

Note that this post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you click on a link and make a purchase a small percentage of the sale goes to yours truly. Please know that I strive to only feature eco-conscious products and brands.

Pick a Spot

Remember, saplings don’t stay sapling-sized forever. You need to give the little guy room to stretch out. Also take into account things like buried services and nearby power lines. Make sure the soil in the location isn’t too wet or too dry and that the tree will get enough sunshine.

Prepare the Area

Remove any grass or weeds within a 12 inch diameter of where you’ll be planting the sapling.

Dig the Hole

You usually only need a hole big enough to accommodate the root ball. Check on the label or with whomever sold it to you to learn about any special instructions. (Note that you could add fertilizer to the bottom of the hole, but if your tree is native to your area it should do just fine without it.)

Plant the Sapling

Place the sapling in the hole. Make sure the stem is standing straight up and the top of the root ball is level or just below the top of the hole. Fill the hole with dirt and press firmly on the soil around the stem.

Give it a Drink

Give the sapling a good drink, but don’t water so much that a lake forms around its base. Because a newly planted tree can take several seasons to become established, the soil at its base should be frequently checked.


Those of you who visit Of Houses and Trees regularly know that I had a subscription incentive where I offered to plant a tree in honour of everyone who subscribed during the month of June. (And at the request of several of my previous subscribers, I also planted a tree for each of them.) 

Recently, my family and I paid a visit to our land and fulfilled my promise. Our eldest was super into it (she’s such a little helper) and our baby was super into eating dirt, rocks and the saplings themselves.

Here’s a video of our tree planting extravaganza! Made all the more entertaining by my adorable children. (Please excuse my awkward rambling at the beginning… I’m still new to this YouTubing thing.)

Do you have any other tips on planting a sapling? Any good tree planting tales? My subscription incentive may be over (for now…), but you should subscribe anyway so you don’t miss any tree-lovin’ posts as well as posts on architecture, interior design, DIY projects, sustainability, home decor, crafts and gardening.



Closeup of a tree sapling planted in soil with text how to plant a tree sapling.

Last Updated on April 17, 2024 (Originally Posted on July 9, 2017)

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Former architectural technologist. Current treehugger.

I’m here to help you green your home – and your life.


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A living room decorated in a mix of vintage and modern pieces.
Planting a Sapling: How to Plant a Tree Sapling in 5 Easy Steps
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4 thoughts on “Planting a Sapling: How to Plant a Tree Sapling in 5 Easy Steps

  • July 11, 2017 at 8:46 am

    The little saplings make my heart melt. They are so small and so green and so amazing. Looking at them made me realize a darn important thing too. I don’t know the difference in coniferous trees…

    Looking at the little children also made my heart melt. Wonderful that those girls will have a chance to grow up and really appreciate nature. Getting a hands on feel (taste in the babies case) of the land and the beauty of giving more back to nature than we take.

    • July 12, 2017 at 4:11 pm

      Yes those little saplings sure are something aren’t they? Especially now that they’re starting to add growth – you just know they’re happy in their new home. And it’s very very important to us that our girls understand that the earth is something we are to appreciate and care for, not something to use and abuse. Hopefully they will help spread that sentiment as they grow themselves!

  • June 19, 2020 at 12:39 pm

    Good write-up. I certainly love this website. Stick with it!|

    • June 19, 2020 at 2:33 pm

      Thank you Loise!


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