Are you as passionate about helping the environment as I am? I sure hope so! Or maybe you’re just starting out on your journey to full-fledged treehugger. Welcome! I hope I can help. I’ve gathered up ten Of Houses and Trees posts offering more than thirty green living tips in total.
As always, my hope is to inspire you to consider our beautiful planet in everything you do. If you enjoy and/or appreciate this post, please consider sharing and sending these green living tips across the globe!
Note that this post contains affiliate links, meaning if you click on a link and make a purchase a small percentage of the sale goes to yours truly. Please know that I strive to only feature eco-conscious products and brands.
3 Easy Ways to Go Green Today
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again – being green isn’t about being perfect. It’s about trying your best to be a little more earth conscious every single day.
Some days you’ll do a great job. You’ll eat only plant-based foods. Generate very little waste. Bike instead of drive. Take a shorter shower. Refuse plastic bags. Maybe even plant a tree or two.
Other days you won’t do such a great job.
Simple Ways to Green Your Apartment
I’ll admit it. When I write posts about sustainable home design and decor, I’m usually thinking about a house. But that’s just because I currently live in a house and have for the past ten years. But guess what? I lived in apartments for six years before that. And guess what else?
It really doesn’t matter what kind of home you live in – apartment, condo, townhouse, tiny home, bungalow, split level, two-storey, mansion – turning it into a eco-friendly haven involves pretty much the same steps.
5 Tips For Greening Your Next Vacation
It’s one thing to work towards living a greener, more sustainable day-to-day-life. But keeping it up when you’re travelling – whether for a vacation or a business trip – doesn’t always come naturally. Typically, when we go into holiday-mode we want to forget about all the little things we always have to keep on top of in our regular lives. But forgetting about taking care of our planet would be like forgetting to eat. You can get away with it for a short period of time, but it’s going to come back and bite you in the ass before long.
Did you know Amazon has a dedicated Green category? Many of the products sold on Amazon are done so by independent sellers, who use Amazon as a marketplace. Just make sure – as always – to shop consciously!
5 Reasons Why You Should Buy Secondhand Instead of New
Guys, I am obsessed with secondhand shopping. I’ve always loved a good thrift find and grew up on garage sales and antiquing, but only recently have I switched to buying only clothing and household items that are pre-loved.
I actually have not bought a brand new item of clothing for myself or my kids since last spring and the last time I bought anything home-related was last year for my nature-inspired holiday decor.
3 Easy Steps to a Clean and Healthy Home
If you’re like me, your home is your sanctuary. And depending on what mood I’m in or the amount of chaos going on in my life, I can be a bit of a hermit. Which is why having a clean and healthy home is one of my top priorities in life. (It has nothing to do with my control freak tendencies. Nope. Not at all.) Whether you want your home to be a happy haven from the outside world, you want to protect your family from harmful chemicals and materials, or you want to do your part greening our planet – these are all great reasons to follow the below three healthy home tips!
5 Harmful Products to Stop Buying Right Now
We can all do with a little less stuff, am I right? So, this year, one of my resolutions is to stop buying unsustainable products. These five common items are harmful to both humans and the environment and aren’t even necessary when awesome alternatives are readily available. These days, there are so many environmentally sustainable products and methods out there, ranging from those used by our grandparents (cleaning with vinegar!) to those we can thank new advancements in technology for (period panties… for real!).
Green Your Home AND Save Money
Probably the number one obstacle stopping us earthlings from embracing a more sustainable lifestyle is the belief it will cost more. Because sometimes it really does cost more. Organic food is usually more expensive. Locally made clothing is usually more expensive. Handmade home decor is usually more expensive. One can make the argument that the benefits of such items make the extra cost worth it, but even a treehugger like me knows that’s not always a realistic response.
Did you know that Etsy is the first major online shopping destination to offset 100% of carbon emissions generated by shipping? Read more about the initiative here and view my favourite eco-conscious Etsy finds here.
5 Quotes About Sustainability
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find those inspirational quotes strategically placed over a picture of a mountain or forest pretty damn cheesy. Am I a cynic? Why yes. Yes I am. But you know what else I am? I’m a dreamer and an optimist.
Especially when it comes to saving our planet. Which is why I wanted to share five sustainability quotes superimposed over images of mountains, forests and a child hugging a very large tree. Cheesy? Perhaps. True? Hell yes.
How to Plant a Tree Sapling
There’s nothing like planting a sapling. They’re so tiny, it’s almost unimaginable one day they’ll be towering trees. Trees with the ability to provide shade, a home to insects and animals and in some cases fruit to eat. From something so small to an integral part of our ecosystem, communicating with its kin through underground networks and providing oxygen for us to breath. Which, you know, is kind of important.
Devin and I try to plant a few trees every year out on the land.
3 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Save the Planet
Much like I was inspired by a few home blogs I follow to do an online Holiday Home Tour, I was almost inspired to do a “Design Resolutions” post. But, you know what? You’ll read about my upcoming design ideas and projects if/when I get around to them.
For now, let’s talk about something a little bit bigger. Something we all should be trying to do – every day – and not just as a New Year’s resolution that invariably will fall to the wayside come February. What I’m talking about, my dear friends, is saving the planet.
Perhaps the simplest of all the green living tips is this one: “The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.” Plant a tree right now with Click a Tree.
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Posted on April 7, 2020
Former architectural technologist. Current treehugger.
I’m here to help you green your home – and your life.
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What on earth is sustainable design? Learn all about this eco-focused design method and read the latest posts about green architecture, interior design and decor.
Sustainable living is more than just a thing treehuggers talk about. It’s about making conscious choices everyday. Read the latest posts on living with the planet’s wellbeing always in mind.
Visit the Of Houses and Trees sustainable product directory and support brands trying to make a difference in the world.
Find out more about our 40 acres of land in Parkland County, Alberta and the sustainable home we built amongst the trees.
Need help creating the home of your dreams? Care about the planet? You’ve come to the right place! check out my affordable, sustainable e-design services.
Having a had time choosing paint colours? I’ve got you – and your walls – covered with an interior paint palette sure to compliment your home.
Have questions about creating an eco-conscious home? Go ahead – ask me! Sign up for one of my free online interior design consultations and ask me anything you want.