10-Minute Vegan Tofu Scramble Recipe

Every vegan has to have a tofu scramble recipe. Why? Because eggs. Spices like cumin and turmeric make this savoury dish perfect for any time of day.

Every vegetarian and vegan has to have a tofu scramble recipe. Why? Because eggs. If you used to eat them regularly, they’re definitely missed when you go animal-product free. You’re probably also missing eggs if you can’t eat them due to allergies, which is one of the reasons that I don’t eat them – aside from the whole baby chicken thing.

Thank goodness for the versatility of tofu! This basic tofu scramble might not taste precisely like eggs, but damn it’s good in its own right. Especially on a wrap with some salsa. My four year old and two year old love it like that, even though the younger one can’t figure out how to hold a wrap and instead just sits in my lap and repeatedly says “bite” until she’s eaten all of mine. To be fair, she does this with pretty much everything I eat. Even when she has the exact same thing on her own plate. Sometimes food just tastes better when it belongs to someone else.

3 Easy Steps to a Clean and Healthy Home

Whether you want to protect your family from chemicals or to do your part greening our planet - these are both great reasons to create a healthy home!

If you’re like me, your home is your sanctuary. And depending on what mood I’m in or the amount of chaos going on in my life, I can be a bit of a hermit. Which is why having a clean and healthy home is one of my top priorities in life. (It has nothing to do with my control freak tendencies. Nope. Not at all.)

Whether you want your home to be a happy haven from the outside world, you want to protect your family from harmful chemicals and materials, or you want to do your part greening our planet – these are all great reasons to follow the below three healthy home tips!

Easy Vegan Gravy Recipe Made with Only 5 Ingredients!

Light brown gravy in a silver gravy boat.

I write about a lot of different things on this blog. Design and decor, sustainable living, green products, healthy eating. I would say I possess a sufficient amount of knowledge in all of these areas. But there is one area I can confidently claim to be an expert on. And that area is gravy.

Perhaps being both a gravy expert and a vegan is an anomaly. But remember, most vegans did not start out that way and thus I consumed more than my fair share of gravy in my pre-vegan days. In fact, I’m quite famously known in my husband’s family for the time I drank A&W gravy through a straw on a road trip. Is it my proudest moment? No. But it’s up there.

5 Simple and Unusual Uses for Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil essential oil has long been used to treat acne, cure infections and soothe bug bites. But did you know it can also be used to clean glasses?

If you aren’t already into essential oils, then I highly recommend giving them a try. Essential oils are all natural and thus so much more earth (and health!) friendly than other scented products. They can replace air deodorizers, cleaning supplies, medicinal supplies and more.

I think everyone who uses essential oils has a favourite – and mine is tea tree oil (melaleuca alternifolia). Tea tree oil essential oil has such a clean, fresh smell reminiscent of tree bark and dirt and rain. Maybe others would describe it differently, but it smells like nature to me. And when I wash my face with my tea tree oil soap and breathe in the scent of the earthy suds… oh man. Heaven. In my nostrils.

There are a ton of online resources listing things you can do with tea tree oil. Make cleaning supplies, treat acne, cure infections, soothe bug bites… But instead of reiterating those, I wanted to share a few more unusual tea tree essential oil uses. Most of these uses I just stumbled upon and did no research before trying. But they worked wonders for me! Maybe they will for you too?

How to Make Asian Coleslaw in Under 60 Seconds

This easy asian coleslaw can be assembled in less than 60 seconds with cabbage slaw, soy sauce, rice vinegar, garlic, ginger, sesame seeds and almonds.

This is one of my favourite fast salad recipes and it really does take less than 60 seconds to make (well, after you assemble the ingredients that is). I even filmed a video to prove it! In honour of this recipe’s no-fuss attitude (can coleslaw have an attitude?), I will jump right in… after I quickly tell you why coleslaw is so good for you.

Of course, regular mayo-laden coleslaw is definitely not good for you (to make it healthier – and vegan – sub in Vegenaise!). But the main ingredient of any coleslaw – the slaw itself – is packed full of nutritiousness in the form of raw, shredded cabbage.

Eco-Friendly Craft Supplies for Kids

Craft supplies for kids are usually non-toxic, but that doesn't mean they're earth-friendly. Here are few non-toxic AND eco-friendly craft supplies.

Ever since my eldest daughter could hold a crayon (without eating it), she’s been a crafter. Colouring, stickering, cutting, glueing – she does it all and loves it all. So, of course I’m always on the hunt for the most eco-friendly craft supplies I can find. You’d think it would be easy – after all, most kid’s craft supplies are non-toxic. But just because something is non-toxic to humans doesn’t mean it’s environmentally friendly. I’ve rounded up a few of the greenest craft supplies I could find. All of these products are made from natural materials or recycled content or both!

Let the crafting begin!

5 Harmful Products to Stop Buying Right Now

These five unsustainable products are harmful to both humans and the environment and aren't even necessary when there are so many awesome alternatives.

We can all do with a little less stuff, am I right? So, this year, one of my resolutions is to stop buying unsustainable products. These five common items are harmful to both humans and the environment and aren’t even necessary when awesome alternatives are readily available. These days, there are so many environmentally sustainable products and methods out there, ranging from those used by our grandparents (cleaning with vinegar!) to those we can thank new advancements in technology for (period panties… for real!).

Here are five harmful, unsustainable products I’m not going to buy this year. Join me in the boycott!

Top 5 Of Houses and Trees Posts of 2017

Ah, yearend. A time to stop and reflect on the past 12 months… and reread (or read for the first time) the five most viewed Of Houses and Trees posts of 2017! The last year has been the biggest yet for growing this sustainability blog and I have so very many ideas for 2018… and beyond! I just want to say how much I appreciate every single view, comment, share and subscribe I receive. Truly.

From eco-friendly products and building materials, to healthy vegan eats – 2017 was a green year indeed!

Easy Vegan Cinnamon Twists Recipe – Dairy Free and Egg Free!

Baked cinnamon twists on a blue platter with greenery nearby.

When I was a kid, my mom’s cinnamon twists were the envy of all my friends. Every year as the holidays approached, my mom would pack these tasty bundles of cinnamon doughy-ness in my lunch and my classmates would just have to have ’em. They would offer me items from their lunch in exchange for just one cinnamon twist and – being the (somewhat) generous person I was as a child, I would share (sometimes).

Lucky for you, now that I’m all grown I no longer feel the urge to bogart the cinnamon twists and am happily sharing my mom’s cinnamon twists recipe with the whole internet. One catch though – I’ve made them dairy and egg free! If you’re vegan – this is great news. If you’re not – don’t worry, you won’t know the difference.

5 Ways to Green the Holidays Without Being a Grinch

Make this year a green Christmas by reusing, recycling and, most importantly, reducing. Here are five ways to do just that!

I hate throwing things away. Many times I’ve caught myself hovering an item over the trash. An item most wouldn’t hesitate to call “garbage,” but that I can’t seem to let go. “Can it be reused? Recycled? Made into a hat?” (I’m convinced that all garbage can somehow be made into a hat.) I’ve been known to rant for tens of minutes about what is and isn’t allowed in our blue bag. “What do you mean you can’t recycle pickle jars? What – I’m just supposed to throw them out?”

For me, no time of the year is this more painful than at Christmas. The wrapping paper, bows, ribbons, the live Christmas trees, the tinsel, the plastic and cardboard packaging on gifts, the leftovers we meant to eat, but then we just couldn’t stomach mashed potatoes for another day. (Okay, maybe I’m reaching here because, really, who throws out mashed potatoes?) Of course, these things come from a well-meaning place – and only grinches bemoan presents, decorations and feasts, right?