Every vegetarian and vegan has to have a tofu scramble recipe. Why? Because eggs. If you used to eat them regularly, they’re definitely missed when you go animal-product free. You’re probably also missing eggs if you can’t eat them due to allergies, which is one of the reasons that I don’t eat them – aside from the whole baby chicken thing.
Thank goodness for the versatility of tofu! This basic tofu scramble might not taste precisely like eggs, but damn it’s good in its own right. Especially on a wrap with some salsa. My four year old and two year old love it like that, even though the younger one can’t figure out how to hold a wrap and instead just sits in my lap and repeatedly says “bite” until she’s eaten all of mine. To be fair, she does this with pretty much everything I eat. Even when she has the exact same thing on her own plate. Sometimes food just tastes better when it belongs to someone else.