Even though I finished this room going on three years ago, I’ve never posted photos of it in its entirety. But this particular space in my house has certainly been on my mind again as of late since bambino numero dos is only days away. I spent a lot of time in this room with my first baby. I slept the first six months of her life on a cot next to the crib. I’ve always said that’s exactly why I designed it with myself in mind. Because I’m selfish like that. Which is totally fine with me.
As you can see, I definitely didn’t go the pink versus blue route.
Which is pretty common nowadays I’d say. I think most people tend to lean towards a more neutral baby bedroom, aka “nursery.” (I have such a hard time using that word. I don’t know why, but for some reason it rubs me the wrong way. Like “panties” and “mancave.” Le barf.) Especially if they don’t know whether they’re having a boy or a girl. (As I didn’t and currently don’t.) And even more especially if they’re all like “eff you gender stereotypes!” (As I was and currently am.)
As I mentioned in this post about the rocking chair – which I found on Kijiji, painted and made a cushion for – the chair’s fabric was kind of the jumping off point for everything. I chose a soft green paint to match from Benjamin Moore called Nantucket Grey for the feature wall as well as the refinished tree dresser, which you can read more about here. The dresser is definitely my favourite piece of furniture in the room – if not the whole house. (Although I’ll be posting about another dresser in the near future that may be my new fav.) And even though I didn’t varnish it, it seems to have stood up pretty darn well to several years of battery from a small child.

Speaking of the small child, I don’t feel like this post would be complete without a telling of how we migrated her from this room to her new room, which – again – will one day have a post of its own. Her new room was ready months before we actually convinced her to sleep there. You see, she said she loved it. She played in it and jumped on the bed and even claimed to want to sleep there on many occasions. But as soon as she was tucked in and we were on our way out the door the tune would change and she would dissolve into a sobbing mess, repeating the words “go crib, go crib” over and over. Of course, we relented.
A couple of nights every week we’d try (and fail) to put her to bed in her new room, but then one unremarkable Wednesday evening Devin decided tonight was the night – for real. We told her if she would stay in her bed, we would “sleep” on the floor for a set amount of time and then we were leaving. She did. We did. We left. Cue waterworks. But then she stopped. She settled down and actually went to sleep herself… for a few hours. That night she did end up back in her crib as well as the night after that and the one after that, but the last time she made it all the way until 7:00am and only slept in her crib for an additional hour that morning. So, it was definitely a gradual transition, but here we are today with a two and a half year old who sleeps happily in her bed (mostly) and an empty crib waiting for its next occupant. Success!

Now back to the room… another of my favourite projects was the tree branch mobile that hangs above the aforementioned rocking chair, which contrary to Devin’s initial belief did not scare the bejesus out of our child with its gnarled hand-like shadows. And, of course, the baby superhero art courtesy of Devin is quite likely the piece de resistance. Damn! This neutral baby bedroom has a lot of good stuff in it. I guess I should be looking forward to staring at all its lovely details at two in the morning… every night… for potentially months on end… sob. I’ll be okay. I know this. After all, I’ve done it before.
Do you or have you ever had a “nursery” in your home? Did you choose gender neutral nursery colours or are you more of a team pink/team blue kind of person? If you don’t have kids, but are planning to (why?! … just kidding), what colours do you like? Lastly, if you have a “getting my kid to sleep in a different bed/different room” story I’d love to hear it! Please comment down below and give me something to read on the many long nights I have ahead of me.
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Posted on April 30, 2016 (Last Updated July 26, 2018)
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I always enjoy reading your posts! <3
Thanks Auntie Janice!!! I always enjoy comments 🙂