Neutral Soft Green and Beige Baby Bedroom

A bedroom with a green dresser, a leaf basket and a superhero cape hanging on a hook with the words "neutral baby bedroom." Click to visit post.

Even though I finished this room going on three years ago, I’ve never posted photos of it in its entirety. But this particular space in my house has certainly been on my mind again as of late since bambino numero dos is only days away. I spent a lot of time in this room with my first baby – I slept the first six months of her life on a cot next to the crib. I’ve always said that’s exactly why I designed it with myself in mind. Because I’m selfish like that. Which is totally fine with me.

As you can see, I definitely didn’t go the pink versus blue route, which is pretty common nowadays I’d say. I think most people tend to lean towards a more neutral baby bedroom, aka “nursery.” (I have such a hard time using that word – I don’t know why, but for some reason it rubs me the wrong way… like “panties” and “mancave”… le barf.)