Creamy Vegan Broccoli Soup

Thick and creamy vegan broccoli soup... without the cream. Safe for vegans, lactose-intolerants and calorie counters alike. And it's delicious too!

Mmmm… soup. I am definitely a fan. Winter or summer, day or night, I’d eat soup seven days a week if I could. And I can. Because I’m an adult and although that comes with all sorts of annoying “responsibilities” it also comes with the freedom to eat whatever I want, whenever I want. (Within reason… and often not within reason at all. Hello, leftover pizza for breakfast.) And sometimes I want to eat thick and creamy soup… without the cream.

Yes. That’s right. No cream. Which means no dairy. Which means safe for vegans, lactose-intolerants and calorie counters alike. How is this possible, you say? It’s creamy, but there’s no cream? Well, my friends, let me tell you about a life-changing cooking technique called “roux.” Some of you may already be familiar – particularly if you’ve made gravy before. I myself had used it many a times to make gravy in the past before discovering it actually has a name. But, honestly, I thought it was just a gravy thing and didn’t realize until the last year or so that it can be used in so very many applications. Including the creation of a healthy broccoli soup… that’s also creamy and vegan!

9 Helpful Tools and Supplies for an Eco Friendly Garden

Closeup of a pair of hands wearing garden gloves and pruning a plant.

‘Tis the season! For gardening that is. There aren’t many things in this world better than sticking your hands in freshly turned garden soil. (Except eating it when pregnant – which I did. Don’t judge.) Last spring, I wrote a post featuring a Homemade Garden Fertilizer recipe, but I only tried it out once due to the fact that I had a newborn and a two year old at the time.

Now that my kids are one and three I obviously have so much more time on my hands so I’ll be dousing my abundant vegetable garden in homemade fertilizer on a weekly basis. Except I don’t have a vegetable garden this year because I was being facetious about all the time on my hands. Hello. My kids are one and three! I couldn’t even plant runner beans because my eldest kept spilling the seeds between the deck boards while my baby climbed fully-clothed into the kiddie pool.

Subscribe to My Blog and I’ll Plant a Tree!

Subscribe to my blog and I'll plant a tree! Because as the proverb goes: "The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now."Subscribe to my blog and I'll plant a tree! Because as the proverb goes: "The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now."

“The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.”

This Chinese proverb is one of my favourite quotes of all time as it reminds me that it’s never too late to do good. There’s something so simple and pure about the act of planting a tree, caring for it and watching it grow. Of course, not everyone has the time, funds or space for a sapling that will one day become a towering version of its former self. To be honest, I don’t have a lot of time or funds myself. But something I do have – courtesy of the land – is space.

So here’s how it works… For each one of you that subscribes to my blog during the month of June, I will plant a tree out on our land in your honour. I will then name it after you and sing ceremonial songs to encourage its growth. Or at the very least I’ll water it.

5 Fascinating Facts About Earth Day + How to Celebrate Earth Year-Round

A little girl sitting on a rock in a creek.

Happy Earth Day friends! If it feels like we just celebrated Earth Hour it’s because… we did. But really – is one hour plus one day enough time to fully acknowledge this planet that gives us so much? I think you know my answer to that question. Which is why I’ve created an enjoyable – yet informative – post featuring five facts about Earth Day. Just for you!

But first, let me boldly suggest we celebrate Earth Day 365 days a year. If this sounds like a daunting task – relax – it isn’t! It really is about the little things we do every day. The things that become so ingrained in our routine they no longer are tasks to put effort into. They’re just life. This Earth Day, let’s vow to make caring for our planet something we just do. Every day.